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Decion On promulgating the Regulation on unified management of external activities of Thai Binh province

Article 1. To promulgate together with this Decision the Regulation on unified management of external activities of Thai Binh province.




No. 692-QD-TU



            Thai Binh, September 01st, 2017



On promulgating the Regulation on unified management of external activities of Thai Binh province

- Pursuant to the Statute of the Communist Party of Vietnam;

- Pursuant to the Politburo's Decision No. 272-QD / TW of January 21, 2015 promulgating the Regulation on unified management of external activities;

- Pursuant to Guideline No. 01-HD / HDNTW dated 30 June 2016 of the Central Commission for External Relations in implementing the Regulation on unified management of external activities promulgated in Decision No. 272-QD / TW of 21 -202015 of the Politburo;

- Based on the Working Regulation of the Executive Board of the Thai Binh Party of the XIX term, from 2015 to 2020;

- At the request of the Party Commission for The provincial People's Committees and the Office of the Provincial Party Committee,


Article 1. To promulgate together with this Decision the Regulation on unified management of external activities of Thai Binh province.

Article 2. The Office of the Provincial Party Committee, the Inspection Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, other committees of the Provincial Party Committee, the Party Commission for The provincial People's Committees, the Party Committees of the districts, cities; departments, branches, the Fatherland Front and mass organizations; specialized agencies under the People's Councils and People's Committees; People's committees of districts and city and related organizations and individuals shall implement this decision.

Article 3. This decision takes effect from the date of its signing. All previous regulations which have contents contrary to the Regulation promulgated together with this Decision are now annulled.



- Secretariat of the Party Central Committee

- Central Commission for External Relations,

- Foreign Affair Ministry

- As Article 2,

- Provincial Comrades,

- Save at the Office of the Provincial Party Committee.




Pham Van Sinh







On unified management of external activities of Thai Binh province

(Issued together with Decision No. 692-QD / TU dated September 1st,

of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee)

Chapter I


Article 1. Scope of regulation and subjects of application

1- Scope of regulation

This regulation prescribes the principles of leadership, management, decision-making powers, implementation responsibilities, working procedures and mechanisms for coordinating the settlement of external activities of Thai Binh province.

Traveling abroad for personal reasons (visiting relatives, travelling for medical treatment ...) of officials and party members is conducted in accordance with Regulation No. 2190-QD / TU dated April 10, 2015 by the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee on management of officials, party members, cadres and party members going abroad,  working with foreign organizations and individuals.

2. Subjects of application

Party committees, party organizations, state agencies, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations, professional social organizations and armed forces in Thai Binh province (hereinafter referred to as agencies and organizations); Officials, Party members, civil servants, employees and laborers of the above-said agencies and organizations (hereinafter referred to as cadres and civil servants); party member who are former Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council and Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

Central agencies located in the province, organizations and individuals inside and outside the country related to external activities in the province.

Article 2. Principles for uniform leadership and management of external activities

1. Ensure compliance with the Party's regulations and the Constitution and laws of the State in foreign affairs.

2. Ensure the unified leadership of the provincial Party Committee, the supervision of the provincial People 's Council, the management and administration of the provincial People' s Committee towards the external activities of the province, the coordination between departments, districts, cities, between central and local.


3. Closely coordinate the Party 's external activities, the diplomatic activities of the administration and the people' s external activities; foreign policy, foreign economic relations, foreign culture and overseas Vietnamese work; between external activities and defense and security tasks; internal and exterbal information in the country.

4. External activities shall be implemented according to the approved annual plans; strictly comply with the regime of reporting and gathering opinions according to regulations.

5. Clearly assign, encourage responsibilities and active role of agencies and organizations in the province in the performance of external functions and tasks according to regulations. Ensure strict inspection and supervision and practicing thrift, fighting waste in external activities.

Article 3. Major external activities

1- Activities related to the formulation and approval of undertakings and external activities of the province.

2- Organizing and manageming cardes travelling abroad (exit delegation).

3- Organizing and managing foreign delegations visiting and working in the province.

4- Managing the activities of international organizations and individuals in the province.

5. Foreign economic relations and foreign NGO aid mobilization and management.

6- Cultural, information and communication activities.

7- Overseas Vietnamese affairs.

8- Rewards involving foreign elements.

9- The signing and implementation of international agreements.

10- The people's external affairs.


Chapter II


Article 4. Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee

1. To lead and direct the unified management of external activities of the province, orient the key tasks of foreign affairs in each period; to lead the implementation of the international integration policy of the province.

2. To decide on major undertakings and measures on external relations between the provinces and overseas localities, international organizations, foreign organizations and individuals, Thai Binh people residing overseas for the  purpose of socio-economic development of the province.

3. To decide important issues in the content of agreements, cooperation signed with foreign partners related to the establishment of long-term relations; guidelines and policy relations with neighboring countries, countries in the region and international.

4. To direct the Party Committee of the People 's Committee of the province, directly is the Chairman of the provincial People' s Committee to draw up the annual external affairs plan of the province, including the external affairs of the provincial Secretary, the Vice Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Chairman of the People's Council, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, the Member of the Central Committee of the Party, the alternate members of the Central Committee of the Party working for the province sending to Foreign Affairs Minystry  for reporting to competent authorities and for submission to the Prime Minister for approval.

Article 5. The Standing Committee of the provincial Party Committee authorizes its Standing members:

1. To directly conduct the external affairs of the Party Committee; to handle the regular work on the external affairs of the provincial Party Committee.

2. To direct the implementation and organize the inspection, supervision, preliminary and final review of the implementation of directives and resolutions of the Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee and the Standing Committee of the Party Committee on foreign affairs.

3- To give comments on the policy of setting up and expanding external relations between the province and localities in foreign countries and foreign partners; international and regional organizations; comments on the external activities plan of the leaders of the provincial Party Committee, the provincial People's Council and the People's Committee of the province (except for the contents mentioned in Article 4 of this regulation).

4- To give comments on the annual plan and contents of the external activities of the province. To seek opinions of the Party Central Committee's External Relations Committee and the Foreign Affairs Ministry for external activities falling beyond its competence, unexpected external activities and sensitive external ones.

5. To give orientations on external affairs in resolutions of provincial Party's committees, provincial people's councils, legal documents of the provincial People's Committee. To suggets important contents in the propaganda and external information of the province.

6- To orient information, external propaganda for the information and propaganda agencies of the province; the policy on receiving international guests and giving interviews with foreigners for posts under the management of the Politburo, the Secretariat.

7. To provide suggestions for dealing with serious cases related to foreign affairs in the province; specific issues of religion, ethnicity.

8- To give decisions on guidelines, contents, participants of the delegation of cadres and civil servants under the Standing Committee of the provincial Party Committee management going abroad.

9. To consider and decide on going abroad, answering foreign interviews, receiving medals, trophies and / or prizes donated by foreign countries or international organizations of the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, the members of the Executive Committee of the provincial Party Committee, the former retired Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Secretary Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee.

10- To propose the conferment of state reward titles to foreign organizations and individuals that contribute to the development of the province according to the Law on Emulation and Commendation.

Article 6. The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee authorizes:

1. Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee

1.1- To decide on the agenda and content of the reception of heads of foreign political parties, heads of state, politicians from the Prime Minister, the President of the National Assembly, the President and other equivalent officials who visit and work in the province as directed by the Central.

1.2- To decide on external activities of the Party's agencies, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations in the province.

2- Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee

2.1. To consider and decide officials and public employees not under the management of the Standing Committee of the Party at the Party, Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations going abroad according to Clause 2, Article 8 of this Regulation.

2.2- To decide on the receipt of titles and forms of commendation by foreign organizations and individuals for the donation of officials and public servants not under the management of the Standing Committee of the Party working at the Party and mass organizations, the Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations in the province according to the Law on Emulation and Reward and current regulations of the Party and the State.

3. Chairman of the provincial People's Council

3.1- To direct the reception of the delegations of the Council or equivalent of the localities abroad to visit and work with the provincial People's Councils.

3.2- To decide on the receipt of titles and forms of commendation and reward by foreign organizations and individuals to donate officials and public employees who are not under the management of the Standing Committee of the Party working at the agencies and units under the provincial People's Council according to the Law on Emulation and Reward and current regulations of the Party and State. To consider and decide on travelling abroad of officials and employees of agencies and units under the provincial People's Councils defined in Clause 3, Article 8 of this Regulation.

4. The Chairman of the People's Committee of the province

4.1- To decide on external activities of the departments, branches under the management of the Provincial People's Committee; district level People's Council, People's Committee; Non-productive units, social organizations in the province. To give ideas and decisions on going abroad of officials and public employees specified in Clause 4, Article 8 of this Regulation.

4.2- To decide on the award of commendation titles at provincial level to foreign organizations and individuals, overseas Vietnamese who are or have been working in localities and the receipt of titles and commendation forms Foreign organizations and individuals awarding the cadres and civil servants under his management according to the Law on Emulation and Commendation and the current provisions of other laws.

4.3- To implement the program and contents of welcoming the heads of state, deputy heads of state, heads and deputy heads of the governments of the visiting countries, working in the province under the direction of the Central. To direct the reception of heads of foreign representative offices in Vietnam, the program of inviting and receiving provincial governors, high-level delegations of localities in foreign countries to visit and work in the province.

4.4- To decide on the organization of international conferences and seminars, signing and implementing international cooperation agreements under his competence, allowing branches and localities to sign and implement international cooperation agreements.

4.5- To decide on unexpected external activities under his competence and consult with the Prime Minister, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Standing members of The Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, other ministries and agencies in dealing with external affairs not falling under his jurisdiction, sensitive and complex such as religion, nationality and national security.

4.6- To decide on the setting up and expansion of the province's economic, cultural, scientific and technical cooperation relations with localities in foreign countries; contents of the project, documents, agreements, cooperation signed with the localities in foreign countries after the approval of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party Committee.

Article 7. The focal point agency and coordinating agencies in performing the task of directing and uniformly managing external activities

 1. The Department of Foreign Affairs is the focal point advising the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council and People's Committee on the unified management of external activities in the province in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and other provisions of law.

 2. The Organizing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Office of the Provincial People 's Committee, the Office of the Provincial People' s Council, the Office of the People's Committee of the province are responsible for coordinating with the Department of Foreign Affairs in advising the Provincial Party Committee, The provincial People's Council, The provincial People's Committee in directing the unified management of external activities in the province; advising on evaluation and submit to competent authorities for decisions on  going on business or study overseas of officials and public employees; informing the Department of Foreign Affairs of the decisions to send people abroad for the purpose of monitoring, synthesizing and reporting to authorized oganisations according to regulations.

3- The Office of the Provincial Party Committee or the Office of the Provincial People's Council or the Office of the Provincial People's Committee shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the External Relations Department and concerned agencies in advising the Party's Secretariat, the Prime Minister to allow the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee, members of the Central Committee of the Party, alternate members of the Central Committee working in the province go abroad under the Decision No. 272-QD / TW dated 21st January 2015 of the Politburo.


Chapter III


Article 8. On organizing and managing officials and public employees going on business or going overseas for studying

1. For cadres and civil servants under the management of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee: Agencies and units having cadres and civil servants shall send dossiers to the Provincial Party Committee’s Organizing Committee for evaluation and submission to the Standing members of the Provincial Party Standing Committee via the Office of the Provincial Party Committee) to consider and decide. The Office of the Provincial Party Committee reports results to the Department of Foreign Affairs monitoring and data collecting.

2. Officials and public employees, not under the management of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, who work in the Party's agencies, the Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations on working missions or study abroad: Agencies that manage the cadres and civil servants shall send the dossier to the Organizing Committee of the provincial Party Committee for appraisal and submit it to the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee (through the Office of the provincial Party Committee) for consideration and decision. The Office of the Provincial Party Committee reports results to the Department of Foreign Affairs for monitoring and data collecting.

3. Officials and civil servants who are not subject to the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee, who work at the agencies and units attached to the provincial People's Councils for working missions or study abroad: Agencies and units that manage the cadres and civil servants shall send dossiers to the provincial People's Councils' Office for evaluation and submission to the Chairman of the provincial People's Council for consideration and decision. The Office of the Provincial People's Council reports results to the Department of Foreign Affairs for monitoring and data collecting.

4. Officials and public employees who are not subject to the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee work at agencies and units attached to the People's Committees of provinces, People's Councils and People's Committees at district level; agencies, administrative and non-business units of the province, district or city going abroad for working missions and study: Agencies and units managing such officials and public employees shall send dossiers to the provincial Foreign Affairs Department for appraisal and submission to the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee (through the Office of the provincial People's Committee) for consideration and decision.

5. For mixed delegations, if the delegation has the head subject to the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee, then the agency send the dossier to the Organizing Committee of the provincial Party Committee for appraisal; If the delegation is headed by a member not subject to the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee, the dossier shall be sent to the Department of Foreign Affairs for appraisal and submitted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee (through the Office of the Provincial Party Committee) for consideration and decision.



6. A dossier proposing the sending of cadres and civil servants to work abroad shall include: The written request for the sending of a person to go abroad, clearly stating the country of destination, the purpose and contents of the work, certified by an executive board; The curricula vitae of the civil servants; duration of the trip; travel expenses accompanied by invitations or summons (if any) and related papers.

7. Absolutely not allow to go abroad (for any reason) cadres or civil servants who are in the period of reviewing the obedience of  the party 's discipline or are being investigated for acts of violating laws, violation of Party membership, political issues (including political history ) but not yet concluded by the authorities. Not to assign officials or public servants under the management of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee  upward to work overseas more than twice in a year (except for cases of sudden need or due to necessary work); not to allow 02 chief executives in provincial or district-level agencies to engage in foreign affairs. Officers and employees under the management of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee are not allowed to join the delegations to go abroad organized by the enterprises and paid or invited by foreign enterprises.

8. Responsibility of cadres and civil servants when going abroad

8.1. They must not bring documents and other means that contain state secrets abroad. In cases permitted, they must strictly observe the regulations of preservation and use of confidential documents. During their stay abroad, they are not allowed to contact and provide materials for persons not included in the working program of the delegation; strictly follow the regulations of providing information; Contact with partners in accordance with the provisions of international law, laws of host countries and Vietnam. When returning home, they must hand in the documents and fully report the preservation and use of the materials.

8.2- To take the initiative in preventing and avoiding activities of linking, gathering for intelligence purposes of opposing hostile forces. To promptly detect and report to the head, deputy or permanent members of the Party committees and the heads of the representations of our country in the host countries on the conspiracy, methods and tricks of bribing and joining forces of the enemy forces. In cases unexpected things occur outside the approved programs, they must promptly report to the Standing Committee of the provincial Party Committee or the heads of the Vietnamese representations in the host countries.

8.3. When returning home, they have to fully and honestly report on the observance of the regulations on internal political protection in written form to the to the executive committees directly managing them and the executive committees where they act as a Party member; not allowed to bring any reactionary materials, publications, debauching articles or toxic substances to our country (except for cases where the assigned tasks are performed).


Article 9. On organizaing delegations headed by leaders of the provincial Party committees, People's Councils and People's Committees (provincial leaders) going  overseas on working trips

1. For delegations headed by provincial leaders going abroad to exchange delegations, to establish and expand friendly relations, to launch cooperative programs, to participate in annual forums, the Department of Foreign Affairs act as a focal point for information and preside over and coordinate with the concerned agencies in formulating programs, preparing conditions and organizing the implementation to serve the working delegation.

2. For delegations headed by the provincial leaders going abroad to promote investment, trade or participate in conferences, forums, depending on the nature of the working trip, the provincial leaders will assign the The Department of Planning and Investment, The Department of Industry and Trade or the agency in charge of the chairmanship to coordinate with the Department of External Relations and relevant agencies to develop the program, prepare the conditions and organize the working trip.

3. For delegations led by the provincial leaders going abroad with the activities mentioned in Clauses 1 and 2 of this Article, depending on the importance of activities, the provincial leaders will assign the The Department of Planning and Investment, Department of Industry and Trade or Department of Foreign Affairs act as a focal point.

Article 10. On organizing the reception of foreign delegations visiting and working in the province

1. With regard to foreign guests of the Party, Government and State leaders who visit and work in the province, after consulting the provincial leaders, the Department of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned agencies in advising the provincial Party Committee, the People's Council, the People's Committee of the province to develop the program and deploy the reception work thoroughly and respectfully.

2. For foreign delegations visiting and working at the invitation of the provincial leaders, the Department of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned agencies in formulating reception programs and plans; submitting to the competent authorities for approval; deploying reception.

3. For foreign delegations coming to investigate the investment and business environment and implement investment projects and economic cooperation, The Department of Planning and Investment or the provincial Industrial Parks Management Boards shall assume the prime responsibility, cooperate with the Department of Foreign Affairs and relevant agencies to develop the welcome program for provincial leaders to work with the delegation.

4. For foreign delegations of departments, branches, localities, agencies with foreign delegations coming to work shall be prepare a dossier and send it to the External Relation Department, including:

- A written request for permission to work with a foreign organization or individual, clearly stating the contents, working program and number of members of the delegation;

- The extract of the foreign delegation;

- Time, work schedule, localities, units, subjects of contact, funds for reception;

- The participants of the province, the agencies and units participating in the reception;

- A copy (enclosed with a translation) of the foreign party's written request for work (if any);

- Written comments, introduction of delegations on local work of central agencies (if any).

Within 03 days after the receipt of the dossier, the Department of Foreign Affairs is responsible for advising (through the Office of the Provincial Party Committee) the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee (if the agencies are socio-political organizations) or advise (through the Office of the People's Committee of the province) the Chairman of the People's Committee of the province (in case agency that receives the delegation is an agency or unit under the People's Committee Provincial People's Council, District People's Committee, non-productive units, socio-political organizations, socio-professional organizations in the province) for consideration and decision.

In cases where the agencies receiving the delegations are agencies or units of the provincial People's Councils, the agencies or units shall send dossiers to the provincial People's Councils' Office and send them to the External Affairs Services for coordinated evaluation and submission to the Chairman of Provincial People's Council for consideration and decision.

5. For foreigners coming to work under approved programs and projects of ministries, branches or central agencies; officials, experts working in offices, agencies and international organizations in Vietnam having operation permits in the provinces; experts come to work under the programs and projects that have been lawfully implemented in the province from the second time on (the first time they have been approved by the provincial People's Committee presidents), agencies  shall report to the President of the provincial People's Committee, and at the same time to the Department of Foreign Affairs and the provincial Police for monitoring.

In case of urgency, the head of the agency that receives a foreign mission delegation shall report directly to the Chairman of the provincial People's Committee to ask for permission to receive and work with the delegation. After the delegation has finished working, leaving the locality, the agency shall report the results of the meeting, in written form, to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the People's Committee of the province.

Article 11. On management of activities of foreign individuals and organizations in the province

1. The Department of Foreign Affairs, Provincial Public Security, Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Provincial Management Board of Industrial Zones shall, based on the functions and tasks of the units, have the responsibility to support, guide and manage the activities of foreign individuals and organizations in the province to comply with the provisions of Vietnamese laws and treaties to which Vietnam is a party.

2. Other agencies and units shall, depending on their functions and tasks, be assigned to handle cases related to foreign individuals and organizations in their respective localities. Department of Foreign Affairs is the liaison point with the Consular Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and foreign diplomatic missions for settlement.

3. The Provincial police have the responsibility to manage the work of entry, exit and residence of foreigners in the province in accordance with the provisions of law.

4. The district-level People's Committees shall have to coordinate with the concerned agencies in guiding and managing activities of foreign individuals and organizations in their localities.

Article 12. On foreign economic relations, mobilizing and managing foreign non-governmental aids

1. Foreign economic relations

The provincial People's Committee shall direct the Department of Planning and Investment or the provincial-level investment promotion agency (if set up) to assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned agencies in implementing developing the programs of external activities to serve the socio-economic development of the province, to actively promote and introduce potentials and strengths of the localities, to intensify investment and trade promotion, tourism developemt.

Funds for trade, investment, tourism promotion in foreign countries are taken from the provincial budget, annual investment promotion funds and other legal sources.

2. The work of mobilizing and managing foreign non-governmental aids

The provincial People's Committee directs the Department of Planning and Investment to act as the focal point for the management and use of foreign non-governmental aid; assigns the Department of Foreign Affairs to assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Provincial Union of Friendship Organizations and concerned agencies in mobilizing and calling for foreign non-governmental aids; directs concerned agencies before receiving projects of foreign non-governmental organizations, organize the evaluation of security and defense, environmental conditions, financial capacity, suatainability and effectiveness, consistent with the socio-economic development plan of the locality.

        Article 13.- Cultural, information and communication activities

1. The Commission for Propaganda of the provincial Party Committee shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Information and Communication Department and the External Affairs Department in orienting the provincial information and propaganda activities, advising and performing the tasks assigned by the Provincial Steering Committee on external information.

2. The Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, in coordination with the Department of External Relations, the Department of Information and Communication, The Commission for Propaganda of the provincial Party Committee, develop programs and plans to implement external cultural activities.

3. The Department of Information and Communication is responsible for coordinating with the Commission for Propaganda of the provincial Party Committee, Department of Foreign Affairs and other relevant agencies to implement the external information work of the province according to regulations.

4. The Department of Foreign Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned agencies in, guiding and managing foreign news agencies and reporters to visit, report on localities and interview leaders of the provincial Party Committee, the People's Council and the People's Committee of the province according to the current regulations.

Article 14.- Work for overseas Vietnamese People's external affairs

1. The Party Committee of the People's Committee of the province shall direct the Department of External Relations and related agencies on the basis of the Party's guidelines to formulate strategies for overseas Vietnamese; to propagate and mobilize overseas Vietnamese and economic organizations of overseas Vietnamese, especially Thai Binh people overseas in order to attract economic, scientific and technical resources in service of the target of socio-economic development of the province.

2. The Provincial Union of Friendship Organizations shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the External Relation Department and concerned agencies, on the basis of the Party's undertakings and policies as well as the State's policies and laws in gathering and mobilizing organizations and individuals to contribute to the peace, solidarity and friendship between the Vietnamese people in general and Thai Binh people in particular with the people of countries around the world and foreign NGOs.

Article 15. On receipt of foreign medals, medals, titles and prizes; suggestion for the award of medals, medals, honorary titles of the State and Vietnam's awards to foreign organizations and individuals

1. Receiving the medals, trophies and prizes of foreign countries or international organizations

1.1 The receipt of medals, other titles and forms of commendation awarded by foreign countries to the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, the Chairman of the Provincial People's Council, the Chairman of the People's Committee of the province, member of the Party Central Committee, the alternate member of the Central Party Committee working in the local: Department of Home Affairs (Emulation - Commendation Board), in coordination with the Department of External Relations and relevant agencies advise the Chairman of Provincial People's Committee to consult with the Standing members of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party Committee and send the dossiers to the Central Commission for Emulation and Reward to submit to the competent authorities for comments according to regulations;  hold the reception ceremony in accordance with the law and the diplomatic ceremony.

1.2 For other subjects, the Department of Home Affairs (the Emulation - Commendation Board) shall receive the dossiers, collect written opinions from the concerned agencies and submit them to the provincial Deputy Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People's Council or Chairman of the provincial People's Committee for consideration and dicision.

2. For submitting proposals for consideration of the award of medals, honorary titles and prizes of Vietnam to foreign organizations and individuals that contribute to the development of the province, the provincial Home Affairs Department (The Emulation and Reward Board) shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the External Affairs Department and concerned agencies in advising the provincial People's Committee Chairman to consult the comments of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party Committee or the Standing members of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party Committee and send dossiers to the Central Emulation and Reward Board for consideration.

Article 16.- Signing of implementation of international agreements

1. Agencies and units, when wishing to sign international agreements, shall send written requests for opinions and draft agreements to the External Affairs Services for appraisal and report to the competent authorities for comments before signing. .

2. The conclusion and implementation of international agreements shall be implemented in accordance with current provisions of law.

Article 17.- Formulation of annual external activity plans

1. The agencies, units and localities shall take initiative in elaborating their annual external activity plans and send them to the External Relations Department according to the provisions of Clause 2, Article 18 of this Regulation, for the latter to work out action plans for the  whole province.

2. Annualy, prior to October 30, the Office of the Provincial Party Committee, the Office of the Provincial People's Council, the Office of the Provincial People's Committee shall be responsible for preparing and consulting the next year's external action plan of the leaders of the provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People's Council, the People's Committee of the province, members of the Central Committee of the Party, alternate members of the Central Committee of the Party working in the province, send it to the Department of Foreign Affairs to synthesize and build the Provincial External Action Plan.

Article 18. Regarding the rules of providing information and reporting

1. Report on specific external activities

After the conclusion of a foreign affairs activity, within 7 working days, units presiding over the organization of external activities shall have to report in written form to the agency that considered and approved principal contents of the activity and evaluate and give proposals (if any) for external activities already implemented.

At the end of the working trip overseas, within 7 working days, the head of the delegation or the individual (in case of going on independent work) shall have to send the report on the trip results to the competent authority that gave permission and the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Organizing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for monitoring; at the same time, submit diplomatic passports and official passports to management agencies according to regulations.

Cadres and civil servants who are party members shall have to report fully and honestly in written form to the executive committees directly managing them and the executive committees where they act as a Party member their observance of the regulations on internal political protection according to regulations.

1.3. For international conferences and seminars, report according to current regulations.

1.4. For complicated and sensitive external affairs, the agencies and units shall have to promptly notify to the External Affairs Services for the direction of the Standing Committee of the provincial Party Committee and the Chairman of the provincial Council, the Chairman of the People's Committee and relevant agencies when necessary.

2. Periodic reports

2.1- Annually (before October 30), the agencies attached to the provincial Party Committee, the provincial People's Council and the provincial People's Committee shall report on the external relations work of that year; At the same time, draw up plans and orientations for external activities of the following year and send them to the External Relations Department for summing up and submitting to the Chairman of the provincial People's Committees and the Standing members of The provincial Party Standing committee for reporting to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Commission for External Relations if necessary.

2.2. A dossier of annual report on the program and plan on external activities comprises:

- Report on the implementation of the program of external activities in the year, orientations and tasks of the subsequent year (made according to a set form);

- The submission for approval of the program of external activities in the following year;

- The sum-up plan of exit delegations (made according to a set form);

- The sum-up plan of the entrance delegations (made according to a set form).


Chapter IV


Article 19. Responsibility to implement and implement the Regulation

1. Party committees, Party building committees; Office of the Provincial Party Committee, Office of the Provincial People's Council, Office of the Provincial People's Committee; Departments, branches, mass organizations and units attached to the provincial People's Committees; The district level party committees shall be responsible for the implementation of this Regulation; disseminating the regulation to cadres and civil servants in agencies, units and localities.

2. Agencies and organizations shall, within the ambit of their respective functions and tasks, have to direct, guide and organize the implementation of this Regulation at their respective agencies and localities; appoint leaders, officials and public employees in charge of (or part-time) in external affairs to coordinate in providing information and handling related issues

Article 20. Regarding responsibility to monitor, urge, inspect and supervise

1. The Department of Foreign Affairs chairs and coordinates with the Office of the Provincial Party Committee, the Office of the Provincial People's Committee, the Office of the Provincial People's Council and the Organizing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to monitor, urge, inspect and supervise the implementation of this Regulation; periodically report to the Standing Board of the provincial Party Committee.

2. In the course of implementation, if any problems arise, agencies and organizations shall report in written form to the External Relation Department for summing up and reporting to the Party Commission of the Provincial people’s Committee for submission to the Standing Committee of the provincial Party Committee for consideration and decision.


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