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Plan To implement the project "Propagandizing, training, advocating, and supporting women in solving some women-related social issues in the period of 2017-2027" in the province of Thai Binh

To implement the project "Propagandizing, training, advocating, and supporting women in solving some women-related social issues in the period of 2017-2027" in the province of Thai Binh






No. 73/KH-UBND


Independence – Freedom – Happiness



                  Thai Binh, November 23th, 2017



To implement the project "Propagandizing, training, advocating,

and supporting women in solving some women-related social issues

in the period of 2017-2027" in the province of Thai Binh.


In implementation of the Prime Minister's Decision No. 938 / QD-TTg of June 30, 2007 approving the scheme on "Propagandizing, training, advocating,

and supporting women in solving some women-related social issues in the period of 2017-2027", Thai Binh Provincial People's Committee issues the plan as follows:


1. General objective: To raise awareness, knowledge, skills and practices of women, promoting the active role of women in coping with and effectively solving some social problems involving women in order to minimize negative impacts, improve the quality of life for women, and contribute to the achievement of local socio-economic development objectives.

2. Specific objectives

2.1. Objectives of period 2017-2022

- 500,000 members, women and parents of children under 16 years old shall be provided with information and knowledge on the preservation and training of moral qualities and sense of law observance; the ability and role of women in ensuring food safety; on parental education and prevention of gender-based violence, with 65% performing behavior change;

- 80% of the full-time staff of the agencies involved in the project implementation will be trained to improve their professional capacity, skills and knowledge on the contents of the project in order to assist women in solving a number of social issues;

- To propagate, educate, mobilize and support 850 women who lack knowledge, skills, risky in moral violations and the law on selected social issues making positive change in their behavior;

- 350,000 women will be provided with knowledge, skills to prevent gender-based violence, domestic violence, helping them ready to speak out against violence against women and children;

- Every year, there are of serious cases of violence and violence against women and children occurring in the province that the Women's Union at all levels do not speak out in time.


- By 2022, each commune, ward or township shall have at least 01 model of mobilization and support for women to participate in the settlement and supervision of a number of priorized social issues which may be multiplied.

2.2. Target to 2027

- 750,000 members, women and parents of children under 16 years old will be provided with information and knowledge on the preservation and training of moral qualities and sense of law observance, the ability and role of women in ensuring food safety; on parental education and prevention of gender-based violence, of which 80% perform behavioral change;

- 95% of the full-time staff of the agencies participating in the project implementation will be trained to improve their professional capacity, skills and skills on the contents of the project to support women in solving a number of social issues;

- To propagandize, educate, mobilize and support 1,500 women who lack knowledge, skills, risky in moral violations and the law on selected social issues making positive change in their behavior;

- 400,000 women will be provided with knowledge, skills to prevent gender-based violence, domestic violence helping them ready to speak out against violent acts against women and children;

- Every year, there are of serious cases of violence and violence against women and children occurring in the province that the Women's Union at all levels do not speak out in time.

- To maintain, spread effective models of the Women's Union at all levels on mobilizing and supporting women to participate in the settlement and supervision of a number of prioritized social issues to build policies.


1. Subjects of the Scheme

- Women;

- Parents with children under 16;

- Officials of Women's Unions and implementing agencies at all levels;

In which, particular attention should be paid to specific groups of women in key areas of prioritized social issues.


2. Scope of implementation

The project focuses on the following issues: Propagation and education of moral qualities; Law education and education, parent education, food hygiene and safety, gender-based violence prevention, domestic violence against women in which propaganda and education of dignity education and legal education is the content throughout the implementation of the project from province to grassroots.

Other social issues, districts and cities actively prioritize and can supplement the outstanding issues of the locality to be implemented to ensure the implementation of the objectives of the Scheme.

The project was implemented in 286 out of 286 communes, wards and towns of 8 districts and cities.

3. Time and schedule of implementation

The scheme will be implemented in 10 years, from 2017 to 2027, divided into 2 phases as follows:

- Phase 1 (2017-2022): To promote and improve the quality of communication, education, advocacy and support for women in raising awareness, knowledge and skills on the contents of the scheme; typical model building. To study and propose policies to address social issues related to women; strengthen coordination with functional sectors.

- Phase 2 (2022-2027): To focus on supporting women to change their behaviors through models and typical models; promote the autonomy of women in dealing with related social issues; to research, recommend  policies


1. To improve the quality of communication activities, educate and mobilize women to preserve and train their morality and sense of law, actively participate in effectively solving some women – related social issues

- To raise awareness and responsibility of women, fathers and mothers with children under 16, women workers, women in disadvantaged areas, young women, female students, female students adolescents ... on education, moral qualities, sense of law observance, food hygiene and safety practice, parent education, prevention of gender-based violence, domestic violence in accordance with different group of people. To organize family life, reproductive health care, education, child protection ...;


- To organize training courses, communication, special topics, exchanges, dialogues, members' activities, club activities, "family life counselling, education before marriage, pre-marriage counselling ";

- To compile, print, distribute training materials, leaflets, communication materials, member activity newsletters ... on the scheme contents and provide them to the subjects of the Scheme;

- To propagandize on the mass media such as Thai Binh Newspaper, Thai Binh Radio and Television Station, Radio and Television stations of districts and cities, the websites of the Provincial Union of  women, district level Unions of  women and related branches, radio stations of communes, wards and townships;

- To identify and build up typical examples and ways to effectively assist women in settling social issues related to women for communication and multiplication. To periodically organize the commendation and rewarding of typical collectives and individuals in assisting women in settling social issues related to women;

- To bring into play the effectiveness of the grassroots Women's Union officials in conveying the message of moral education, legal education, parenting education, food safety and prevention and combating gender-based violence, domestic violence to women's groups. To mobilize and support women to change behaviors.

2. To build, maintain and improve models of advocacy and support for women to actively address social issues related to women.

- All levels of the Association shall review and evaluate the effectiveness of existing models in order to develop and formulate a communication model to integrate the mobilization of women into the settlement of social issues.

- To direct and maintain the effectiveness and quality of activities of the Clubs of Women to build happy families, Women's Domestic Violence Prevention Club, Reliable addresses in the community; Model of drugless families ...

- To research on the development of new models to support awareness raising, behavior change for women, parents with children under 16, young women ... such as the club model " "Women confident to participate in addressing social issues related to women," the model "Support, enhance the role and status of women and girls in the family and society", Legal advisory club for women's rights ...


- To discover, maintain, replicate good examples, effective ways of focusing on supporting women to change their behaviors through models that have been developed.

- To focus attention to women and girls suffering from gender-based violence and domestic violence through the network of officials, members, women and officials of related branches; timely to give advices and counseling, support to protect legal rights for victims.

- To select the commune to direct the point of implementing the project, draw experience to multiply.

- To organize study visits, learning experiences from effective models.

3. Improve the capacity of the staff to carry out the task of supporting women to solve related social issues.

- To research, compile and develop training materials for the contents of the project for the Women's Union staff and members of the Steering Committee from the provincial to grassroots level.

- To organize training courses to provide knowledge and skills for communication of the project contents to the trainers, reporters and communicators of the provincial Women's Union and the branches being members of the Scheme Steering Committees from province to the communal level on food safety, gender equality and domestic violence prevention, gender imbalance at birth, parenting education, moral education, law observance.

- To promote the role of the propaganda staff of the grassroots Women's union to implement the contents of the project at the grassroots.

- To strengthen the coordination, inspection, supervision, research, and policy recommendations to support women in solving social problems related to women.

 - The branches and mass organizations shall intensify the inspection and supervision of the implementation of the Scheme and the observance of law provisions on social matters related to women, based on that study, propose policies, programs and projects to support women in solving social problems.

- Basing themselves on their respective functions and tasks, the concerned branches and organizations shall well perform the task of coordinating with a view to creating resources and assisting in the effective implementation of the scheme's activities in each period, meeting outlined targets.

- To periodically organize the preliminary reviewing, organize the preliminary review of the five-year implementation of the project by 2022 and review the 10-year implementation of the project by 2027. Branches and unions implement the project to organize the preliminary review, evaluation, draw experience, propose appropriate solutions to effectively implement the scheme and report the results to the provincial Women's Union – the agency responsible for synthesizing and reporting to the results the provincial People's Committee and the Central Project Administration Board in accordance with the regulations.



1. The budget for the implementation of the scheme shall be ensured by the State budget. Funds for implementation of the contents of the scheme shall be allocated to the annual budget of departments, unions and people's committees of districts and cities, integrated with programs, projects of departments, branches and other legal financial sources (if any);

2. To encourage agencies, organizations and individuals inside and outside the province to contribute resources for the implementation of the Scheme;


1. Provincial Women's Union

- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned departments, branches and People's Committees of districts and cities in, implementing the scheme, summing up and reporting on the scheme's implementation results.

- To develop the Scheme implementation plan in the union system and guide the union at all levels to implement the Scheme.

-To build models to propagate, mobilize, educate and support members and women to raise their knowledge and skills on the contents of intervention schemes.

- To continue to maintain the operation of reliable addressing models in the community and the activities of the Legal Consultancy Office of the Provincial Women's Union.

- To integrate the implementation of the project with the programs and projects being implemented at all levels.

- To advise to organize the preliminary and final review of the project implementation and periodically sum up the report on the implementation results of the scheme to the provincial People's Committee and the Central Project Management Board.

2. Department of Planning and Investment; Financial Department

- To balance and propose the budget allocation for implementation of the Scheme, to integrate effectively the Scheme's activities in the implementation of programs and projects in the province in a suitable and effective manner.

- To annually advise the provincial People's Committee to allocate funding for the implementation of the scheme in accordance with the State Budget Law and its guiding documents.

- To coordinate with other agencies in supervising the implementation of the Scheme.

3. The Department of Education and Training

- To integrate effectively the activities of the Scheme into the realization of the Scheme on "Strengthening revolutionary ideals, ethics and lifestyles for youth and children in the period of 2015-2020";

- To renew the contents, methods and forms of revolutionary, moral and lifestyle education for pupils and students; to promote emulation movements and campaigns in education and training establishments;

- To organize training courses to raise the capacity of the contingent of cadres, teachers and general heads of the teams in terms of educational contents for revolutionary ideals, ethics and lifestyles;

- To coordinate with the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union in organizing educational dissemination and education activities for pupils and students in schools; direct the samples, learn from experience; inspect, monitor and evaluate.

4. Department of Culture and Sports and Tourism

- To assume the prime responsibility for guiding and inspecting the implementation of the Scheme with the incorporation of law dissemination and education in elaborating and organizing the implementation of the Family Development Strategy till 2020 with a vision of 2030 of Thai Binh Province;

- To integrate the effective implementation of the Scheme's activities with the implementation of the Scheme: "Building human beings with comprehensive intellectual, ideological, moral and physical development; to meet the requirements of industrialization and modernization of the country in the period of 2015-2020 and vision of 2030 of Thai Binh province "; The project "Promoting the good values ​​of family relationships and supporting the building of happy families"; Family life education program and the national action program on domestic violence prevention and control in the province till 2020;

- To coordinate with other agencies in supervising the implementation of the Scheme.

5. Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs

- To implement propaganda and awareness raising on gender equality; capacity building for staff working on gender equality; for the advancement of women.

- To coordinate with the Provincial Women's Union and other relevant agencies to develop communication materials on domestic violence prevention, child abuse to  coordinate in communication model development; to counsel and support women for participating in child protection in the community.


- To effectively integrate the activities of the Scheme into the implementation of the Project: Gender-based Violence Prevention and Response in 2016-2020 with a vision to 2030, in Thai Binh province.

- To coordinate with other agencies in supervising the implementation of the Scheme.

6. Department of Health

-To enhance state management of sex ratio imbalance at birth, food safety.

- To integrate the implementation of the project with the implementation of the Resolution No. 04-NQ / TU dated 04/7/2011 of the Standing Board of the Thai Binh provincial Party Committee on Population and reproductive health 2011-2020; Project on "Monitoring Sex Ratio at Birth at 2016-2025", National Strategy for Food Safety 2011-2020 and vision to 2030;

- To direct the medical examination and treatment establishments to attach importance to the reception, examination, treatment, medical care and counseling on the health of women and children being domestic violence victims. To implement statistical and cases reporting of victims of domestic violence according to regulations.

- To coordinate the implementation of other tasks of the Scheme implementation plan according to the functions and tasks of the branch.

- To coordinate with other agencies in supervising the implementation of the Scheme.

7. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development:

- To enhance technical assistance for women involved in food safety and hygiene in agricultural production, processing, trading and aquaculture; to coordinate with other agencies in the implementation of other tasks of the scheme implementation plan according to the functions and tasks of the branch;

- To coordinate with other agencies in supervising the implementation of the Scheme.

8. Department of Justice, Department of Information and Communication, Thai Binh Radio and Television, proposed Thai Binh Newspaper

- To coordinate with other agencies in guiding and directing contents, forms of law dissemination and education for women; to coordinate with relevant agencies and units to integrate gender equality issues in the development of legal documents;

- To coordinate with other agencies to step up the propagation and education of law, legal aid and legal consultancy for women, grassroots reconciliation ...;


- To build up special pages and sections regularly disseminating urgent ethical issues related to women; the role of women in social and family morality education;

- To coordinate with other agencies in supervising the implementation of the Scheme.

9. Provincial Police

- To direct the police at all levels to intensify the fight against crimes and social evils; coordinate with other departments, agencies and localities in detecting, intervening and timely handling gender related violence, domestic violence, child abuse, trafficking in women, children, illegal marriage brokerage in the province.

- To continue coordinating with the provincial Women's Union to effectively implement the Inter-Ministerial Resolution No. 01/2002 / NQLT01 dated May 8, 2002 of the Vietnam Women's Union and the Ministry of Public Security on managing and educating children in the family to avoid crimes and social evils and coordinating the implementation of other tasks of the scheme according to the functions and tasks of the sector.

10. Committee of Propaganda of the provincial Party Committee is requested: to direct the press to increase the time, actively build the specialized pages, periodical column for propaganda on issues: social ethics related to women, about popularizing and educating women's law, the role of women in social and family morality education, developing specialized reports and columns on Provincial radio and television television for mass communication.

11. The Fatherland Front and its member organizations are requested: Within the scope of functions and tasks, to integrate the activities of the Scheme with those of relevant programs and schemes. .

12. Provincial Labor Confederation: To propagate and mobilize members to support women in solving social problems; to coordinate with the provincial Women's Union in propaganda and awareness raising for female workers in industrial parks and industrial clusters; to participate in monitoring the implementation of the Scheme.

13. Ho Chi Minh Youth Union: To coordinate with relevant departments to propagandize and mobilize youth union members to support women, girls and women participating in solving related social problems; to coordinate with the education and training sector in intensifying the education ideal revolution, ethics and lifestyle for youth and children in the period 2015-2020; to educate the moral quality and sense of law observance for juvenile and juvenile offenders; to participate in supervising the implementation of the Scheme.


14. People's Committees of districts and cities

- To build the implementation plan of the Scheme in line with the local socio-economic development plan.

- To direct the local functional agencies to implement the plan as prescribed.

- Every year, allocate budget to ensure the effective implementation of the tasks and activities of the project.

- Biannually and annually organize meetings of district / city steering Committees; to organize a review of 5 years in 2022 and review 10 years in 2027 to evaluate the results of implementation of the project in the locality.

- To monitor, organize the inspection and supervision of the implementation of the plan in the locality.


Based on this plan, departments, The Committee of Vietnam Father Front and mass organizations of the province and people's committees of districts and cities shall take initiative in elaborating plans for implementation of the Scheme; Periodically report on the results of implementation of the Scheme to the provincial Women's Union. In the course of implementation, if any problems arise, agencies, units and localities should promptly report them to the provincial Women's Unions for sum-up and reporting to the provincial People's Committees for consideration and settlement.



- Goverment office;

- Central Vietnam Women's Union;

- Standing Provincial Committee;

- Women's Union;

- Department of Propaganda and Training of the provincial Party;

- Departments: Finance, Planning and Investment, Information and Communication, Agriculture and Rural Development, Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, Education and Training, Culture, Sport and Tourism, Medical Justice; Justice;

- Provincial police;

- Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, Provincial Labor Confederation, Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union;

- People's Committees of districts and cities;

- Save: Office Archives.








Pham Van Xuyen

(signed and sealed)                          




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