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Plan To implement the project "Supporting women to start a business period 2017-2025 "in the province of Thai Binh

Plan To implement the project "Supporting women to start a business period 2017-2025 "in the province of Thai Binh






No. 72/KH-UBND


Independence – Freedom – Happiness



                  Thai Binh, November 23th, 2017



To implement the project "Supporting women to start a business

period 2017-2025 "in the province of Thai Binh

In order to implement Decision No.939 / QĐ-TTg dated 30/6/2017 of the Prime Minister approving the Scheme "Supporting women entrepreneurs in the period of 2017-2025", Thai Binh Provincial People's Committee issues the plan as follows:


1. General objective: To raise the awareness of women about the Party's policies, the State's legal policies on entrepreneurship, promote the realization of business ideas and contribute to the achievement of development objectives, business and local gender equality goals.

2. Specific objectives: To strive to achieve the following targets by the year 2025:

- 100% of officials in charge of all levels involved in implementing the Scheme will have been raised awareness of methods of supporting women in starting a business, developing business.

- 75% of provincial women's members will be promoted, raising awareness about employment, starting a business.

- To provide support for 700 or more women starting a business and starting a business.

- To coordinate between relevant agencies to support 30 cooperatives and cooperative groups managed by women.

- 1,600 enterprises of newly-established women will be provided with consultancy and support for enterprise development.

- To coordinate between relevant agencies to provide training and vocational training for 9,000 or more female employees.


1. Subjects of the project: Women, especially those with ideas and needs for starting a business; cooperative groups, cooperatives, production and business associations, newly-established enterprises owned by women; poor women, disadvantaged women, women living in disadvantaged areas.

2. Scope of implementation

- The scheme focuses on the following issues:

+ To propagate and educate women in raising awareness about the Party's undertakings and policies on the start-up and business development of the State; the role of women in economic development.

+ To support women in business development and start up businesses.

+ To study and propose policies; inspect and supervise the implementation of policies and laws on supporting women to start a business and develop their business.

- Scope: The project will be implemented in 286 out of 286 communes, wards and towns of 8 districts and city.


1. To propagate and educate women in raising awareness about the Party's undertakings and policies on the start-up and business development of the State; the role and position of women in economic development

- To organize propaganda on the State's undertakings and policies on business start-up and business development; the role of women in economic development; the results of the project implementation ... by diversifying forms of propagation, education and integration into the tasks of the branch and mass organizations;

- All levels of the Women's Union implement propaganda through: Thematic classes; membership activities; club activities, the website of the Women's Union of the province, district and city; building leaflets, leaflet, newsletter member activities of the Provincial Women's Union ...;

- To propagate on the mass media such as Thai Binh Newspaper; Thai Binh Radio and Television, Radio and Television stations of districts and cities; Website of the concerned branches and organizations; Radio stations of communes, wards, towns ...;

- To discover, build typical examples, ways to effectively support women start-ups for propaganda, praise and multiplication.

2. To support women in innovative, creative business development and start-up

2.1. To support the realization of creative ideas

a) To propagandize, mobilize and support  women to respond to "Women's Day"

- To propagandize on the meaning, activities of the day women start up.

- To educate women how to build business ideas / projects to attend the day women start up and find out investors.

- To introduce creative ideas of women to the Central Association and recommend the Central Association to support enterprises with the need for development in terms of quality and scale.

b) To support business capacity building and start-ups for women with feasible business ideas

- To capture, discover and select feasible ideas, start up business models to support implementation and replication;

- To provide training, vocational training, business knowledge, business establishment, enterprise development, access to credit for small and medium enterprises; branding / intellectual property ...;

- To provide training on financial education and guidelines on management and use of capital for small and micro enterprises, women with the idea of ​​starting a business;

- To introduce, consult, connect for women with business ideas, start up business to attend vocational training courses, start business training by the funds for development of small and medium enterprises and other start-up programs.

c) To provide legal support in trademark building, intellectual property for women to start a business, start a business with innovation

- To advise and support enterprises, cooperatives, cooperative groups, individual business households of women to register their trademarks and product protection. Connect with functional units for legal advice;

- To identify and introduce women entrepreneurs who are eligible for support from the project "Supporting the innovative and innovative national eco-system up to 2025";

- To organize face-to-face meetings, share experiences with female business owners, owners of production and business establishments.

d) Access to credit support: Advising and supporting newly established women entrepreneurs who need loans to access banks and credit institutions.

2.2. Support to improve the competitiveness of newly established enterprises by women

-  To provide training, training of knowledge, vocational training ... through such forms as training courses, trade promotion conferences, dialogue between enterprises and local authorities;

- To provide consultancy, support on accessing resources such as capital, legal, science and technology ...;

- To provide support to improve the quality of activities of the Provincial Women's Entrepreneurs Association and the Women's Clubs of districts and cities so that they can improve their ability to support and help new business women;

- To connect the women businesses to introduce products, promote trade through the propaganda of the relevant departments, mass organizations and mass media.



2.3. On activities to link and develop network and promote trade

a) To support the development of cooperatives, cooperative groups established by women

- To train, improve the management capacity of the cooperative management board, cooperative group;

- To provide consultancy, non-agricultural and agricultural vocational training for members of cooperatives and cooperative groups; for unemployed women ...;

- To consult, introduce cooperatives, cooperative groups to support organizations in science and technology, ...;

b) Improve the quality of activities of the Provincial Women's Entrepreneurs Association and the 8-city women's business clubs to strengthen business linkages between enterprises, expand the network and promote trade.

2.4. On strengthening the capacity of the units to support women’s start-ups and business development

-  To improve the capacity of the Women's Union at all levels, which are the focal point for supporting women in start-ups and business development in business skills, management skills, linking units to support women start-ups and business development;

- To strengthen the resources on facilities and technical infrastructure for the units to support women start up and develop enterprises.

3.On researching, proposing policies, examining and supervising the implementation of policies and laws to support start-ups, business development of women

3.1. On studying and proposing policies

- Provinces, districts and cities should study and propose policies to support women in starting a business, developing suitable business and implementing.

- Provinces, districts and cities shall develop solutions for organizing consultancy, policy dialogue to support women’s start-ups, business development.

3.2. On social review and monitoring the implementation of policies and laws to support women’s start-ups, business development

- To require social comment on draft policies, laws on business development, start-up for women.

- To supervise the implementation of law dissemination and implementation on business development and start-ups for women.

3.3. On supervising, evaluating, preliminary reviewing and summing up the implementation of the Scheme

- The branches and mass organizations shall intensify the work of inspecting and supervising the implementation of the Scheme and the observance of law provisions on supporting women to start their business.

- To periodically organize the preliminary review of the five-year implementation of the scheme by 2022 and finalize the implementation of the scheme by 2025. Branches and mass organizations shall implement the scheme on organization of preliminary and final review, To evaluate and draw experience and propose suitable solutions to effectively implement the scheme and report on the results to the provincial Women's Union - The agency assuming the prime responsibility for advising on the implementation of the Scheme to sum up and report to The provincial People's Committee and the Central Project Administration Board as prescribed.


1. The budget for the implementation of the scheme shall be ensured by the State budget. Funds for implementation of the contents of the scheme shall be allocated to the annual budget of departments, unions and people's committees of districts and cities., integrated with programs, projects of departments, branches and other legal financial sources (if any).

2. To encourage agencies, organizations and individuals inside and outside the province to contribute resources for the implementation of the Scheme.


1. Provincial Women's Union

- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned departments, branches and units and the People's Committees of districts and cities in implementing the Scheme; to synthesize and report the results of the Scheme's implementation;

- To develop the Scheme implementation plan in the association system and guide the Association at all levels to implement the Scheme;

- To develop models, activities to propagandize, mobilize, educate and support members, women to raise their knowledge, skills and bravery to start up their own business;

- To integrate the implementation of the project with the programs and projects being implemented at all levels.

- To advise on organizing the preliminary and final review of the implementation of the scheme and periodically sum up and report the implementation results of the scheme to the provincial People's Committee and the Central Project Management Board.

2. Department of Planning and Investment; Department of Finance: To balance budget and recommend the allocation of budget for implementation of the project in combination with the implementation of programs and projects in the province. Annually, to advise the provincial People's Committee to allocate funding for the implementation of the scheme in accordance with the State Budget Law and its guiding documents.

3. The Department of Information and Communications, Thai Binh Radio and Television, Thai Binh Newspaper: To coordinate with each other for the propaganda on the State's undertakings and policies on entrepreneurship, business development, the position of women in economic development, typical women entrepreneurs, business women, typical business woman.

4. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Department of Science and Technology, Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs, Department of Industry and Trade: According to the functions, duties and powers assigned, coordinate to implement  the activities of the project, incorporating activities to support women start-up in related programs and projects of the department.

5. Requesting the State Bank of Vietnam's branch of Thai Binh, the Social Policy Bank, the Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, the Industrial and Commercial Bank: To provide loans to develop  start-ups enterprises by women , newly established enterprises by women (if they meet the prescribed conditions).

6. Provincial Cooperative Alliance, Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations:  To strengthen the coordination and support provincial Women's Union to direct the establishment and maintenance of effective operation of new cooperatives and women-owned cooperative groups; provide technical and technological support for women entrepreneurs.

7. The provincial Justice Department: To coordinate with the specialized agencies under the provincial People's Committees in providing legal support activities for enterprises according to the provisions of law.

8. The Fatherland Front and its member organizations are requested: Within the scope of their functions and tasks, to participate in organizing the implementation of the Scheme's activities, integrate the Scheme's activities with the related programs and projects.

9. People's Committees of districts and cities

- To work out a plan for the implementation of the Scheme in line with the local socio-economic development plan;

- To direct the local functional agencies to implement the plan as prescribed;

- Annually, to allocate funds to ensure the effective implementation of tasks and activities;

- To organize the inspection, supervision, preliminary review and final review of the implementation of the plan in the locality.


Basing on this plan, provincial departments and branches as well as district level People's Committees shall take initiative in working out plans for implementation of the Scheme; periodically report on the results of implementation of the scheme to the provincial Women's Union. In the course of implementation, if any problems arise, agencies, units and localities should promptly report them to the provincial Women's Unions for sum-up and reporting to the provincial People's Committees for consideration and settlement.



- Goverment office;

- Central Vietnam Women's Union;

- Standing Provincial Committee;

- Chairman, Provincial PCT;

- Women's Union;

- Departments: Finance, Planning and Investment, Information and Communication, Agriculture and Rural Development, Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, Industry and Trade, Science and Technology and Justice;

- Thai Binh Newspaper, Thai Binh Radio and Television Station;

- Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee;

- Provincial Cooperative Alliance, Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations;

- People's Committees of districts and cities;

- The State Bank branch in Thai Binh, the Social Policy Bank, the Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development, the Industrial and Commercial Bank;

- Save: Office Archives







Pham Van Xuyen

(signed and sealed)                          






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